Across the Universe

Good evening!

While stuck in traffic today heading to work bracing myself for the chaos that was soon to greet me, I wondered if the universe generally works for or against me. Was the recent decision not to fund my research proposal a sign it is working against me? Or now that I will have more time for blogging, is it a sign it is working for me? I tend to believe the universe is a force of good working for me. And for you. I also believe making a decision about how to perceive the universe is one of the most fundamental and paramount decisions a person can make.


10. bareMinerals BARESKIN foundation. Okay, this is vain, but the coverage is fantastic!

9. At the beginning of my burgeoning mid-life crisis, my sister, not knowing what was brewing, sent me a personalized necklace on which my initials were fashioned. Carrie Bradshaw-esque, yes, but it was just the reminder I needed to believe in myself.

8. The walking trails in the woods near my neighborhood. Quietly being in the simplistic beauty of nature is where I feel most calm, connected and whole. The trails are always there willing to accept me in a gentle yet powerful embrace. Thank you Mother Nature!

7. The Beatles. Enough said!

6. Proton pump inhibitors. This may sound ridiculous, but I developed an acute onset of reflux about six months ago. Without PPIs I would probably be curled up in the fetal position somewhere.

5. I swear, whenever I find myself ruminating on negative and anxious thoughts, I look outside to see a flock of birds take off in unison. This always brings a smile to my face.

4. My Twitter followers. Reading about all of you has seriously restored my faith in humanity.

3. My flower box. When we first bought our house, on a mission to beautify, I bought a flower box for the window. I watered and fed it painstakingly but the flowers would not grow. The anemic-looking box became an eyesore. Right around this time, my husband and I were planning to leave for vacation. Defeated, I decided to water the box once more before we left and accept the inevitable outcome. When we returned from vacation, I was shocked to see the flowers had not only grown, but had thrived! An abundance of glorious color greeted us on return. My flower box reminds me to let go and allow the intelligence of the universe to take the lead.

2. Books. I am a complete nerd. There is nothing I love to do more than to read and to learn. The ability to be transported by immersing myself in a good book is truly divine.

1. People. I have found I meet certain people in my life just when I most need their particular strengths to grow, learn and inch closer to enlightenment. I often only realize it retrospectively and many years later. Incredible!

Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Future goal: Choose to see the miracle.